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Adoption Resource Center of Connecticut

78 Eastern Boulevard

Glastonbury, CT 06033

...helping to blend families...


The Report on Intercountry Adoption is available in two formats: print and online as a PDF file. The suggested donation for this very informative report is $25 for the online version and $35 for the print version (including postage).


What is "The Report?"

The Report on Intercountry Adoption is an extensive compilation of information regarding International Adoption programs and licensed agencies in all 50 states. There are also numerous articles regarding adoption related issues. The Report is a fantastic resource updated and printed annually. The 2008 version of the "Report" is available now.


Select Payment Method
Click this button for the electronic version in PDF format. ($25.00)
Click this button for the paper version. ($35.00)
If you would prefer to send a check, just send it to the address on the right.  Don't forget to include the address where you would like the report sent!    Order form


78 Eastern Boulevard

Glastonbury, CT 06033



Excerpts from the Report on Intercountry Adoption, 2008 edition:


�Watching a child blossom under the slow-dawning realization that he or she is the center of someone�s life is one of the most exquisite joys of adoption.�

�Adopting a child of another race and culture not only is an additional challenge to the family, but also has its positive point of opening up the world to all the family members.�

�Don�t give up: be patient and persistent. Tell yourself that when you finally do get your child � when, not if � all that you have gone through to become parents will seem well worth the struggle!�

 �One of the most important aspects of helping our children develop a healthy sense of self-concept is to make sure that we are not threatened by the fact that our children have birthparents, birth families and life histories that include the time before they came home to us.�

�As we raise our kids to be part of a multicultural U.S. family in a multicultural nation, we need to help them understand and value their origins.�

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